Member since Aug 18, 2017


  • Posted by:
    wake up on 08/18/2017 at 10:59 PM
    We live in Savannah, GA. Our whole tourism industry is built on our history with all the good, bad, and the ugly that comes with centuries of history. I walk by these monuments every day and what I perceive is great pieces of art with history attached to each one. Removing a confederate monument is hypocritical to me. Yes the Confederate fought the Civil War because they wanted to retain slavery and inherently that is just pure evil.The argument can also be made that we get rid of all monuments relating to any time period where that person owned slaves which would probably wipe out half of our squares unique history. Please people think before you act. Don't let today's news make your own opinion. The only cause people should be focused on is to help SAV is helping the poor and improving education for kids from impoverished areas of our town. Be a good Sameratan, love the neighbor for we our one big community.