Member since Sep 28, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Nora Coffey on 09/28/2010 at 10:14 PM
    The lack of respect for women by doctors and society reveals an attitude tolerant of violent acts toward women. The same behavior would be unacceptable toward men. It is standard operating practice for all tissue removed during surgery to be sent to the Pathology Department for microscopic examination by a pathologist. In branding Ingrid Paulicivic’s uterus Alinsod destroyed tissue, preventing a complete, accurate pathologic diagnosis. An act such as this may reveal that Alinsod committed a criminal act and medical malpractice . It calls into question whether the uterus was diseased and if it was, burning a brand in it may have destroyed evidence of the extent of the disease, which would be medical negligence that constitutes medical malpractice. . if he knew he was removing a uterus that was not diseased, making it acceptable to burn the tissue since there was no abnormality to mask, then he performed an unwarranted, unnecessary surgery on Paulicivic. Defiling a corpse is not condoned by the judicial system, and is a crime subject to prosecution in criminal court. A corpse is not considered medical waste. The law does not tolerate abuse of a dead body. Examples of medical waste are syringes and needles, blood soaked gauze and sponges, not extirpated female organs. The uterus is a hormone responsive reproductive sex organ that supports the bladder and the bowel. It’s a powerful muscle that contracts during orgasm. Without it women do not experience uterine orgasm. The uterus also produces prostacyclin, which gives women cardiovascular protection. When the uterus is removed women have a 3X greater incidence of heart disease, and when the ovaries are removed it is 7X greater. The uniquely female and male organs are not only for reproduction, they have many other critically important functions and are at the core of our identity. Watch the short video "Female Anatomy: the Functions of the Female Organs" at