Member since Jun 6, 2014



  • Posted by:
    Dick Bjornseth on 09/27/2016 at 3:26 PM
    So well stated and documented. Indeed there is plenty of money sloshing around at City Hall - just not focussed on the primary function of all government - to provide some sense of law and order. Time to refocus priorities indeed and quit wasting money things like all the fancy pavers and cross walks I'm seeing constructed all over.
  • Posted by:
    Dick Bjornseth on 03/08/2016 at 3:21 PM
    And here's another issue, why did the consultants stop at 6 days per week for parking. Why not all seven days - or whoops - would this cut into church attendance? God forbid. And would charging for parking on Sundays invite religious opposition? Heaven forbid that little level of opposition. Businesses - hell they can suffer and pay the costs of the extra parking - churches - hell no?