Member since Apr 16, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Christopher Huff on 04/16/2014 at 12:31 AM
    Re: “Review: Draft Day
    The word you're looking for is 'kontenta,' a word I've heard from the lips of people from many different countries, speaking in the only language we shared: Esperanto.

    The current American media response to Ukraine and Russia, for example, is proof that the cultures still don't understand each other and perhaps are losing interest in trying.

    Through Esperanto I have gained access to insight into cultures with which I never would have or even could have made contact otherwise.

    Sure, it's easy to mock the B&W William Shatner movie, but will we see mention of, for example, the nomination of Esperanto creator L.L. Zamenhof for the Nobel Peace Prize, or the multiple nominations of Esperanto poet William Auld for the Noble Prize in Literature? With the trend this article perpetuates, it's doubtful.

    What's far less doubtful are the gainful experiences I've enjoyed and gemeinschaftsgefuhl I've felt through learning and speaking Esperanto (two events which take place in rapid succession, I might add)!